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Sunday, February 22, 2009
![]() Today I slept until I could sleep no more and stared at my bedroom walls, thinking of how I should go about repainting it. I'm thinking of apple green and stars. I did a mad dash through the past week, a hectic week it was. Working sucks big time even if you enjoy what you're doing when working takes up all your time and you live to work. It's a 12-9 six day work week plus the preparations you have to make before setting off for work. I'm fucking going to war! Thursday, February 12, 2009 I'm Falling by the Wayside. My family's asleep and my mad-typing on the keyboard is a screaming bitch but i think i gotta let it out: I'm really confused. A while back, after the release of 'O' Level results where the land opens up and you find people you know clinging onto the edge of friendship and you pull the people you care about out of their despair and you step on the fingers of the rest you don't and watch them fall into a deep, dark nothingness. I told myself I'd rid my life of people whom I don't like very much and I started deleting people off my Facebook Friend's list. But recently, I'm having second thoughts and I return to visiting their pages again, checking on how they are, how they look like now and it's done with no ill intention or hope of finding them being stuck in shit. On the contrary, I visit with a rather reserved, timid form of care. And recently I've been caught in the race of adding friends, or I find people requesting to be my friend and all I know about these people are just about as much as their names and the info given on Facebook about them. Nobody makes a move to formally introduce each other. And their status and shit are flooding up my Facebook homepage and I get really irritated cause I don't care a shit for them. I think a friend on Facebook is like an accessory, a number. And these numbers add up to 200 or 400 odd people and you're like hey I know so many people so I'm better than you. It's a never-ending, tiresome race. And we think we're competing against each other but we're doing the extreme opposite by "befriending" each other. And when you stand up against the flow, everybody raises an eyebrow and that makes you sit back and behave again. I think if I deleted away all these "friends" and save those who are really dear to me, it'd only be a good 20 people? I recall Auntie Charis gaping at the number of Facebook friends I've got and questioned me about it, to which I could only manage a shrug. I think Facebook should create a setting where only real day-to-day friends are allowed to be added. The only way I can think of now is when A wants to add B, A must answer a question B posts. Like their likes and dislikes. And if they answer wrongly, they'll be curse and banished to the depths of hell. Okay. So now I have people whom I think I'm starting to care about who are no longer Facebook friends of mine, and I have people whom if they died on me right now I'd just say a quick prayer and mourn them for 2 seconds who are my existing Facebook friends. SWEET. I think I'm gonna just live on Flickr for now. Screw FB. XOXO, Confused Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Bokeh Wednesday Free favours from Abba God are pouring in! I just got my Canon 50mm f1.4 USM prime lens And I got a job at John 3:16 Photo Supplies. Whooo. Sunday, February 8, 2009 From up here, I can. It is a piece of sky, lying on the ground. We're in the woods, just the two of us. I have on my best sneakers, the ones with rainbow laces and the place on the back that Mason chewed through when he was just a puppy. Her steps are bigger than mine, but it's a game - I try to jump into the hole her shoes leave behind. I'm a frog; I'm a kangaroo; I'm magic. When I walk, it sounds like cereal getting poured for breakfast. Crunch. 'My legs hurt', I tell her. 'It's just a little bit longer.' 'I don't want to walk', I say, and I sit right there, because if I don't move she won't either. She leans down and points, but the trees are like the legs of tall people I can't see around. 'Do you see it yet?' She asks me. I shake my head. Even if I could see it, I would have told her I couldn't. She picks me up and puts me on her shoulders. 'The pond', she says. 'Can you see the pond?' From up here, I can. It is a piece of sky, lying on the ground. When Heaven breaks, who fixes it? Thursday, February 5, 2009 Because I'm Chuck Bass YAY I finally finished Gossip Girl Season 1 in like 2 days (considering that it was on my mind when my eyes were off the TV)? Can't wait to sink my teeth into season 2. Meanwhile, I think I'll do a re-run or two on season 1 again. There's a really good promo at Kovan Heartland Mall: Each DVD boxset going at $39.90 plus a 50% off for the second. So I'm currently doing research on which TV serial to go into. C's best man speech: "My father is someone who goes after what he wants. And Lily van der woodsen is no exception. In typical Bass man fasion, his pursuit was direct. And at times, not exactly subtle. *glances at B with the index cards in one hand and a heart full of love in the other, and puts the index cards down* One thing I learned from the courtship of lily is the importance of perserverence. That in the face of true love you don't just give up. Even if the object of your affection is begging you to. And the one thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. She gave my father the gift of a second chance and , in kind, I've watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift. And one day, I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me. To the happy couple!" Tuesday, February 3, 2009 It's a wonder how Daddy comes back every day and tells me off for something I did wrong but felt it was absolutely fine myself, or returns sane and later finds out that i have not been doing something i was supposed to and scoffs at me for it. The lightest sentence passed down to me was for failing to translate some random chinese phrase which turned into a full-blown lecture which left me grabbing the sides of my seats, sinking my fingernails into the plastic until it hurt, hoping the pain would reach my head and the throbbing would drown out his voice. But Dad couldn't wait till he came home today for this one: I lost the tripod for my DSLR camera.He called and i could feel his hands digitalising like his words, and materialising in front of me, tightening around my neck. I supposedly left it in the office on the last day of work last week and refused to admit that it's lost yet. Delusional you may say? Or perhaps the early signs of Meningitis? I just think that it would be completely unecessary to break the news to him because it is in the office and nowhere else, so it is "less" lost. My plan would be to find it without telling him aand breaking his heart, thus bridging the lapse in reality and in sync with Dad's memory because he's not supposed to know it is missing. But as i do this, i ask everyone for help and word finds its way to him and he flares up because i told everyone else but him. And he tells me this makes him madder than it would have if i had told him. I mean he wouldn't even have to be mad, he wasn't even supposed to know. Oh, bother. Now I find myself strangling a stress-ball until the veins in my arm show and threaten to pop and watching episode 11 of Gossip Girl,"Roman Holiday". I think I like this episode best because it's a kiss and make up for everyone rather than just exclusively to N and B or S and D. You can just see everyone's eyes sparkle as they unwrap presents under the tree, N holding Captain's hand at the hospital saying "Dad, we need you", or where nobody was left out because even the maid got a mobile phone, "for texting". I'm glued to the screen over Gossip Girl. N and S would have made the hottest couple but i like how S and D flow but it comes to cetain parts where there's some misunderstanding caused by D and I really like to sock him for that. And there're some parts where D makes the perfect boyfriend so I can emulate him. Plus GG just made me wonder what if S's mom marries D's dad and S and D are in a relationship and if they have sex, would it be incestuous, or so they say? Because after all, it will only be incestuous if both come from the same manufacturers, right? But i really take my hat off S's mom because she loved D's dad so much but had to give him up for her S and D. If I were in her shoes, I wonder if I could do that if it means not being able to be with someone I love. The night is young, I think I'll let myself fall into a trance over Gossip Girl and salivate over S and little J. |